Research Institute for
Capital Markets
Introduction of the
Portfolio Management Program

Portfolio Management Program for Students

The Portfolio Management Program (PMP) provides students an ideal platform to apply state-of-the art concepts and recent developments from academic and applied research to “real-money” asset management. Thus the PMP is a very innovative teaching concept that enables students to combine theory and practice by not only learning from brilliant academics and practitioners but also by experiencing the real market behavior. Students also learn how to work with financial data providers (e.g. Bloomberg), how to properly analyze financial data, how to make decisions within groups, how to negotiate prices with counterparties and execute trades and finally how to make presentations in front of critical audiences of their peers, professors and experts.


The program contains three investment groups with different investment approaches (see below). All groups are required to set up an adequate risk management process as well as develop a suitable documentation and controlling process within 
the predetermined framework. For further information about the specific strategies, please visit the following site:


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ISK Wien investment frameworks

PMP Mentors

Every group in the Portfolio Management Program is well supported by mentors and tutors during the two years. The go to person is usually the tutor, of which every investment group has one. All tutors have been part of the financial industry for many years and can support in market, mathematical or other upcoming questions. Furthermore every group is overseen by one of the founding members, Mr. Pühringer, Prof. Zechner or Prof. Randl.

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Situated in the
Palais Coburg 

The well equipped ISK is situated in the Palais Coburg in the center of Vienna and is open to the students of the PMP to develop new trading strategies and for market research. It offers Bloomberg and is accessible 24/7. 


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